Pesach Traveller Checklist

Pesach Traveller Checklist

Below is a list that addresses common scenarios for those people who are not staying home for Pesach


  • If leaving more than 30 days before Pesach (and not returning until after Pesach):
    • No bedika required
    • Must sell chametz and must declare Kol Chamira before the latest time for owning chametz on Erev Pesach
  • If leaving less than 30 days before Pesach:
    • Bedika required
      • Must be performed at night by candlelight during the night before you leave this location
      • No bracha is said
      • Kol Chamira is said, however, substitute bershusi (in my possession) with bebaisa hadain (in this house).
      • One could also appoint a shaliach (agent) to perform the bedika on his behalf on Erev
      • It is generally more appropriate to perform the bedika than to absolve oneself by selling the entire house on the 13th of Nissan. In case of need, speak to your rabbi.
    • Must sell chametz and must declare the regular Kol Chamira before the latest time for owning chametz on Erev Pesach


  • If chametz was brought in:
    • Bedika with bracha required
  • If chametz was not brought in:
  • Bedika without bracha required

When selling chametz, make sure that it will be sold before the last time for owning chametz in the place/time zone where you are staying. Further, make sure that the chametz will be bought back only after Pesach is over in the place/time zone where you are staying.


Make sure that the kosher meal is certified Kosher for Passover, and that the double wrap of the hot airline meal is not pierced (this applies all year, not only for Pesach). One should not have any of the hot drinks, and one should assume that the cold drinks are not Passover certified, unless clearly stated that they are.


One should not use the coffee urn in the room (or anywhere in the hotel) unless it is clearly stated that it is certified Kosher for Passover.